Events Updates

Farm Reunion and Membership Dinner

Join us for a potluck farm celebration on Sunday, October 2nd from 4 to 7 pm.

Farm Reunion Potluck Dinner +
Annual Meeting

Join us for a potluck farm celebration on Sunday, October 2nd from 4 to 7 pm.

Festive food, including cheese from Caseus Fromagerie and Bistro, and a silent auction will be set up in Bob Giddings’ barn, next door to the farm. We’re planning for live music and/or a dance on the second floor. Sound like fun? Put it on your calendar, plan a yummy dish, and bring an empty stomach and any libations you may desire.

We’ll also be officially selecting our new Friends of Boulder Knoll board for next year.

It’s our last fundraiser for the season; we’re suggesting a donation of $20/adult and $5 for kids over 5 yo. All who are part of our farm community in any way are welcome regardless of ability to make a donation.


Let us know if you are coming and if you have guests.

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