Hi Friends,
Hope you can come to our upcoming Board meeting on Thursday July 24 at 7 pm – we have a lot to do! Email info@friendsofboulderknoll.com for information or directions.
Brief update on lease, insurance, plans for the land for any new people
Liability Waiver – before we do anything, everybody who will be involved needs to sign a waiver, and we need to keep them in a permanent file somewhere. I have 15 copies of the waiver to distribute
Getting started on the garden area:
Mowing (done by Bob already)
Planting (transplants and seeds)
Water??? Do we all need to pray daily for rain?
Expenses/Donations for materials
Scheduling work days
Plans for the rest of the two acres – how much to lime? How much to plow and plant for cover crops? Building topsoil in the area where it has been removed? We will need to work on this soon (planting cover crops by mid September)
Outreach and fundraising
Outreach: Letter to Herald thanking everybody, press releases, recruiting volunteers, outreach to landscapers to get fall leaves
Educational event in the fall? If we will do it, we should set a date now.
Fundraising: Here is the fundraising plan that Jeff and I sent to the Community Foundation for Greater New Haven.
Friends of Boulder Knoll Fundraising Plan
1. Letter to former and current members describing progress in starting an agricultural operation and asking for renewal of memberships and contributions. Went out July 1 [*] $200
2. Letter to interested individuals in the Cheshire community from our list of organizational contacts and personal contacts of board members. Planned for late August. [*] $500
3. Phone calls with follow-up letters seeking sponsorship for Friends of Boulder Knoll from community businesses. Planned for September. [*] $2000
4. Sales of produce from the farm – will be very modest this year. September – November. [*] $300
5. Fundraising event – with dinner and music – at the Boulder Knoll Montessori School (down the street from the farm). October.[*] $1000
Date and time of next regular meeting
Seems like more than enough for one evening!